Thursday, May 7, 2015

Volleyball Court Lighting Fixtures

Because of the growing number of private volleyball courts and recreational volleyball courts in residential areas and neighborhood outdoor recreation areas,custom bobblehead, the floodlights of yesteryear are rapidly being replaced by sharp cutoff volleyball court lighting fixtures and metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps. Cut off style fixtures offer greater control of volleyball lighting and minimize light spillage,,, making them ideal for schools, churches,., YMCA�s, and even personal backyards in cities with very strict dark sky compliance laws. Cut off style volleyball court lights also look more sheik and attractive than traditional shoebox lighting designs and serve to better compliment adjacent building architecture and surrounding indigenous vegetation.

RLLD Commercial Lighting provides a wide range of fixture types and lamp wattage strengths for recreational and professional volleyball court lighting. For private courts, we recommend that you consult with an electrician who can install this equipment, as a number of calculations have to be factored into the equation when choosing and installing lights for a volleyball court. Standard court size is normally 60� by 30�,personalized bobblehead, although these dimensions can vary in a variety of private settings and special recreational facilities. Working with a trained expert in RLLD Commercial Lighting can also save a contractor a great deal of time in doing all the math necessary to make all the necessary adjustments needed to light a volleyball court that varies in any way from standard measurements. It is also necessary to take a number of additional factors into account as follows.

1,Star Detox Diet. Pole and Fixture Placement

In most volleyball court lighting designs,personalized bobblehead, it is generally a good idea to use one double lighting kit on each side of the court. We have a number of wooden and steel poles in standard and decorative designs to offer a complimentary touch to the sidelines, and we have mounting brackets that can be used to mount one or more fixtures to trees growing near the court,personalized bobbleheads.

As a rule of thumb,English To Spanish Translation - Two Paradigms,custom bobblehead, add approximately 20� to the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the court in order to light both the court and sideline areas.

2,Hammer Thyme,customize bobblehead. Fixture Attributes

The sheik cutoff design featured by RLLD Commercial Lighting Fixtures for Volleyball Courts gives them a strong competitive advantage when it comes to both aesthetics and performance. They present a much less obtrusive,customize bobblehead, almost low profile appearance in comparison to the more bulky shoebox lights that are often used for tennis court lighting. The cutoff design offers a qualitative advantage over floodlights because it lights only the volleyball court and sideline areas with minimal light spillage beyond the desired boundaries.

Lamps can be obtained from RLLD Commercial Lighting either in high pressure sodium (good for repelling insects) or metal halide choices (ideal for white light that nears natural light in quality),customized bobbleheads. Consult with one of our specialists about wattages and ballast options that best suit your particular facility,personalized bobble heads.

3,personalized bobble heads. Fixture Mounting Height

The diversity of poles and mounts we inventory for volleyball court lighting makes it simple and quick for contractors to find exactly what they need to elevate fixtures to the precise height necessary to avoid blinding the eyes of players and sending light pollution into nearby stores and houses,customized bobbleheads. RLLD Commercial Lighting experts can also help contractors and design professionals determine exactly which poles and mounts will best withstand any high winds in a given part of the country with charts and up to date information on EPA codes and requirements.

4,The Ultimate Golf Simulator,custom bobblehead. Quantity and Quality of Light

Working with a distributor like RLLD Commercial lighting gives the freelance electrical contractor access to top commercial grade lamps and fixtures to ensure that glare and light pollution are eliminated for the greater comfort, safety,custom bobbleheads, and enjoyment of the game. RLLD Commercial Lighting specialists will provide complimentary phone based consulting services to clients and advisory services for a small fee to the casual inquirer. Call us now to find both special volleyball lighting equipment and custom volleyball lighting packages made for end users needs first in mind.

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