Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Smackdown Low Down For 5 01 09

Pre Show Thoughts/Events

This Smackdown is in the famous, Madison Square Garden, just the arena itself makes for a great show!

A segment begins with Chris Jericho in the ring. Jericho goes on about how he will be the most dominant superstar on the Smackdown roster. Edge interrupts and talks about how he has not lost to John Cena, but Jericho has. Edge keeps on berating Jericho and gets a nice pop. CM Punk emerges from the back. Punk shows the video of him defeating Edge for the World Title a while back. Both Y2J and Edge begin to insult Punk. An anouncement is made that CM Punk will take on Edge later on in the night in a non title match. Punk promises to cash in his briefcase if he wins.

John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin

Morrison tries to spin him and Benjamin goes for a Dragon Kick, which Morrison ducks, but Benjamin connects with a BIG kick in the face. Benjamin now punches and stomps Morrison before picking him up and taking him down with a short arm clothesline. Morrison tries picking himself up on the ropes but Benjamin just clubs him and brings him to the middle of the ring to lock in a chin lock. Morrison digs his knee into Benjamin�s midsection and goes for an Irish whip but it�s reversed but Morrison is able to hit a jumping roundhouse to the face. Morrison goes back into the ropes and hits a running kick to Benjamin�s face and covers for a two and a half count. Morrison sizes Benjamin up for a clothesline, which Benjamin ducks and counters with a nasty backbreaker. Benjamin gets him to a vertical base and has a whip into the corner reversed on him but Benjamin slingshots over a charging Morrison but Morrison jumps to the second rope and comes off with that nice roundhouse. Morrison then hits the Moonlight Drive and this match is over.

Winner by Pinfall: John Morrison

John Morrison gets a nice reception from the crowd. I would�ve liked to have seen this match go a little longer. It was pretty short and they�re too good for a short match.

Match Rating: 5/10

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
Winner becomes #1 Contender for the World Title
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho wrenches it in until Kane grabs him by the throat and goes for a Chokeslam but Jericho gets out of it and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Kane powers out before Jericho can lock it on. Kane then grabs Jericho and Hardy by the throat but releases them when he sees Mysterio springboard off the top rope and grabs Mysterio by the throat. Kane lifts him up for the Chokeslam but Mysterio counters into a hurricanrana, putting Kane in position for the 619. Mysterio goes for it but Jericho, on the outside, grabs Mysterio�s legs and drags him out. In the ring, Jeff Hardy ducks a clothesline and hits Whisper in the Wind on Kane. Hardy quickly goes to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb and covers but Jericho pulls him out of the ring at the count of two. Jericho then scurries into the ring and covers Kane, eliminating him.

Kane has been eliminated from the match.

Jericho smiles but turns right into an uppercut from Kane, flooring him. Kane then exits the ring and bounces Hardy�s head off the barricade. Kane takes the top half of the stairs off and grabs two chairs, putting them in the ring. Kane then leaves � anticlimactic. Charles Robinson throws one of the chairs out but stops when Mysterio dropkicks Jericho in the back, setting him up for the 619. Mysterio hits it and goes for the West Coast Pop but Jericho throws a chair in his face. Charles Robinson calls for the bell and disqualifies Chris Jericho. That was funny when Jericho got eliminated.

Chris Jericho has been eliminated from the match.

Hardy goes for a kick, which Mysterio blocks, so Hardy hits his flipping mule kick. Hardy goes for the corner slingshot dropkick but Mysterio moves at the last second and Hardy crashes to the mat hard. Mysterio goes into the ropes and does a wheelbarrow into a roll up but Hardy reverses at the two count into a pin of his own for a two and a half count. Hardy pushes Mysterio into the ropes and Mysterio hits him with a hurricanrana, putting Hardy in position for the 619. Mysterio hits it and hits his springboard senton but Hardy reverses the pinfall into one of his own and gets the pin. Jeff Hardy is the #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. Great match.

Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy celebrates and he and Mysterio shake hands in the middle of the ring. Mysterio raises Hardy�s hand before leaving the ring. Jeff Hardy continues celebrating with the fans before going to the back. One of the best matches we will see all year!

Match Rating: 9/10

Cryme Tyme comes to the ring for their SD debut. They bring Eve and Layla to the ring. The girls have a dance off with the crowd deciding the winner. Eve is the clear winner. Layla then attacked Eve from behind and JTG and Shad have to pull the two apart.

WWE United States Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. MVP (c) w/ Sheri Shepherd

MVP grabs Ziggler and he dropkicks MVP in the knee, taking him down. Ziggler stomps and punches until the referee makes him get off. Sheri Shepherd now gets on the apron and yells at Ziggler to get off. Ziggler wants her to kiss him and she slaps him. MVP clotheslines Ziggler down twice, hits a throat thrust, and a knee to face buster. MVP now gets the crowd pumped up and hits his BALLIN� Elbow Drop for a two and a half count. MVP has an Irish whip reversed on him but MVP leap frogs over Ziggler. Ziggler goes for a dropkick but MVP swats him away. MVP then hits him with a kick to the midsection and hits the Playmaker for the three count.

Winner & STILL United States Champion: MVP

I really do love MVP. He is just great all around guy. Although I must admit, that BALLIN elbow really needs to either get stronger or he needs to get rid of it. It is a great way to interact with the corwd, but for real WRESTLING fans it is just blah!

Match Rating: 5/10

Edge vs. CM Punk

Punk then takes Edge out with a heel kick. Punk kicks Edge in the gut, knees him in the face, and kicks him a few times in the temple before attempting the GTS but Edge rolls off for a roll up but Punk sits on his shoulders and gets a two count. Edge now ducks a clothesline and drops Punk with a half nelson bulldog and covers for a two and a half count. Edge sits in the corner for the Spear. Edge charges and eats a big boot, staggering Edge to the corner. Punk hits his knee in the corner and connects with a bulldog for a two and a half count. Punk goes to the apron and springboards off the top rope for a clothesline but Edge ducks and Punk lands on his feet. Edge goes for a Spear but Punk counters into a powerslam for a near fall. Punk now signals for the GTS and gets himself pumped up. Edge staggers into the GTS position but Edge blocks the knee, sweeps the knee, and locks in the Sharpshooter. Punk is screaming in pain and crawls desperately towards the ropes and gets there. Edge goes to suplex Punk back in from the apron but Punk slides to his feet and catches Edge with the GTS and pins Edge for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: CM Punk

CM Punk now picks up his Money in the Bank briefcase and tells Chioda to call for the bell. Chioda goes outside and tells Justin Roberts, who tells the crowd, that CM Punk is cashing in his Money in the Bank Contract so this next bout will be for the World Heavyweight Championship. All of a sudden Umaga runs into the ring with even MORE tattoos it appears and side kicks Punk out of his boots. Umaga picks Punk up and hits his spinning sidewalk slam. Umaga screams and leaves the ring. Edge now sees the damage. The bell never rang so Punk has not lost his Money in the Bank briefcase. Edge now goes to hit Punk with the briefcase but Jeff Hardy runs in and makes the save. Hardy drops Edge with the Twist of Fate and nails him with the Swanton Bomb! Jeff Hardy then celebrates with the crowd to end this episode.

Match Rating: 7/10

What�s Thoughts of tonights Smackdown:

I have to admit I was a little disappointed with this episode. I was expecting a little more out of this one and I didn�t feel they delivered. We had two matches that went long and were pretty good but the rest was disappointing. I�ll start with the good and then talk about the rest. The Fatal Four Way Elimination Match was terrific. Everyone really got a chance to shine in this one, even Kane. It was well booked, dramatic, and fresh. This new batch of talent really helped out the show. I�m excited for some possibilities stemming from this match. I�d love to see a Jericho vs. Mysterio feud, a Jericho vs. Hardy feud, a Hardy vs. Mysterio feud, heck, even a Kane vs. Hardy feud! Jericho and Mysterio really made the final part of the match something special and gave just a taste of what they can do. I hope to see more of that in the future! The result of the match was Jeff Hardy becoming number one contender to face Edge at Judgment Day. I can�t say I�m really excited for the match but I know they�ll deliver. I don�t think Hardy will take the belt home but I�ve been wrong before. I�m kind of hoping that they stop trading the title back and forth and we just have a stable champion for a while. Wrestling wise the CM Punk vs. Edge match was just OK. It never really seemed to build or go anywhere. It just seemed like they were throwing spots out and then making an abrupt pin. The hype for Punk to cash in Money in the Bank didn�t feel real. I never believed he would cash it in tonight for one second. The announcers tried hard to get it over but it didn�t work � at least not on me. I�m glad to see Umaga back, though. I hope he can stay healthy now. He�s really great when he�s running on all cylinders. The United States Championship match was a disappointment. They gave it three minutes. Really � the stupid dance off got more time than this. I still don�t understand what having Sheri Shepherd was supposed to do for the show. This is like when Smackdown had Jimmy Kimmel�s cousin wrestle last year. They aren�t celebrities. I doubt this will get housewives watching Smackdown or WWE. Oh well. John Morrison had a good debut on Smackdown against Shelton Benjamin. I would have loved for that match to have gone a little longer but I guess it was all a matter of timing. They had a good thing going but it�s hard to get too much going when you have about five minutes to wrestle. I also liked seeing Morrison in a mini segment with Jericho later in the night.

Final Smackdown Rating: 7/10

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