Tuesday, March 3, 2015

�Stop @ The Top�

I have a drill that I just love and my students always hate, at first. This drill requires focus, balance, athleticism and strength. It is known as the �Stop @ the Top� drill.

You have seen TV analysis talk about a players swing. After looking at the setup what do they always do next? They go to the top of the swing and analyze the line of the shaft to the target, hand position, arm position to the swing plane, etc. The �Stop @ the Top� drill is basically the same thing except it is designed for the junior golfer to feel these things for themselves. Once they master this drill the junior golfer can check themselves at anytime, during practice or even during competition.

This drill can be done with or without a ball. I prefer to start the junior golfer without a ball at first and then work our way into actually hitting balls from this �Stop @ the Top� position.

So what can be learned from this drill? Here are a few things that I want my junior golf students to learn:

�Balance: The �Stop @ the Top� will force you to stay in balance and not sway off of the ball.

�Tempo: The �Stop @ the Top� will force you to slow down your backswing dramatically. This improves balance and control of the swing.

�Position: The �Stop @ the Top� will make your backswing shorter and more compact. You will be able to get the hands in the proper position and feel the correct swing path. You will be able to keep the left arm straight and keep the maximum angle of attack. Most junior golfers over swing due to the speed of their backswing. This drill forces you to coil and release. The top of the swing when you �Stop @ the Top� will always be shorter than if you just swing back as fast as you can. There will be less movement also. Your swing will become more efficient meaning less wasted energy on the backswing and more energy �club speed� through the ball.

�Power: The �Stop @ the Top� will prove to the junior golfer that power comes from storing the energy of the swing and then releasing it toward the target. So many junior golfers lose power because they swing the club back so fast that it takes a lot of energy just to make the transition to the downswing which means lost power and probably some deceleration issues.

�Movement: The �Stop @ the Top� will restrict movement in the head and the body moving off of the ball. This will make the junior golfers swing tighter with more power. It will also eliminate the over the top move or looping under the plane.

Compare the junior golfer�s backswing to an archer pulling back the bowstring. The archer has a slow steady pull until all of the energy of the bow is stored. The archer will hold this position until he is sure of his target and then all of the energy of the bow is released toward the target with the arrow flying with full power right towards the bull�s eye. The backswing should be viewed exactly the same way, a slow and gentle movement to the top of the swing, storing up all of the players energy and then releasing it all toward the target.

Junior Golfers, if you are not working with someone you can start out by doing this drill in front of a mirror. Go to the top, hold your position as long as you can and check your hand, make sure your left arm is straight, feel all of the energy and then release. You will hear a significant increase in your club speed and you should feel in balance throughout the drill. Then get to the range and do this drill while hitting balls. You will feel a little awkward at first, but you will soon find out that your ball striking will improve dramatically. Give it a try.

Now go make some birdies!

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