Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Slim Fast Bars Are Junk

The big lie seen all over these days... nutrition bars advertised as healthy and good for weight loss or muscle building. But if you do your home work, you see a never ending list of chemicals, sugars, processed trans fats, and other dangerous overly processed ingredients in these bars.

There are so many kinds of "health bars" and "protein bars" in stores today, how can you be sure if you are actually consuming something nutritious or just junk food in disguise?

Again, just as I've mentioned grocery store food selections, you truly need to know how to read labels if you're going to stand a chance at locating a really good food bar.

To be quite truthful, most of the bars out there are pure junk... candy bars disguised through labeling as a health food bar.

About 2 weeks ago, I was cruising on a bike ride with a friend and required a quick bar to make certain I had enough energy for the bike ride.

Well, I was out of food bars with nothing on me, so my buddy gave me an extra slim fast bar he had.

Keep in mind that these slim fast bars are marketed as health foods for dropping weight.

These horrible bars are just a basic joke...there's nothing even close to being nutritional about them. In my opinion, these Slim Fast bars are more deadly than candy bars!

The first thing in this bar that my friend gave me was corn syrup! Next I found sugar (Wah Hoo more sugar!), followed by hydrogenated oils (horrible deadly trans fats). The list only continues with more bad stuff like artificial flavors, colors, disgusting artificial sweeteners, more hydrogenated refined oils, and rounded out with some very processed soy protein isolate (which contrary to popular belief, processed soy is NOT good for you... I'll mention this in more detail in a future article) just to give your body some more trash.

So not only are these "health" bars destructive nutritionally for you, but the bar tasted absolutely disgusting! It tasted like chemicals and was way too overly sweet (no doubt with all of the sugar, corn syrup, sugar alcohols, AND artificial sweeteners). This is a perfect example of "over-engineering" of food.

So how do you know a good protein bar or energy bar?

I look for the basics in a good bar. Many of the healthiest and tastiest bars I've found have only a few simple ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and fruit. I also look for organic ingredients and raw ingredients if I can.

Some of my select healthy bars:

1. Organic Food Bars - This is actually the brand name.

Depending on the flavor, the bars I choose are normally a base of organic almond butter (or cashew butter) with a certain kind of fruit, organic seeds, organic biosprouts (quinoa, etc�), and some organic rice protein. Some flavors have an organic dark chocolate as well. They also have a selection of bars that have just raw ingredients.

Not only are these bars very nutritious, but I think they are delicious as well and have a lot of flavors to select from such as; chocolate chip, blueberry, cranberry, high protein, and more.

If you can find these bars at your local grocery then you're lucky. I had to locate them at several health food stores.

2. Lara bars - These are even simpler in ingredients than organic food bars. Normally Lara Bars are just 2 or 3 ingredients, and 90 percent raw... a combination of crushed nuts along with a selection of fruit is the normal combination, but they have a lot of different flavors so it can change.

These are also delicious and you will NEVER see a bunch of chemicals a mile long in their ingredient list... normally just nuts and fruit, and that's it! Keep it simple. Quality is what you want in a bar, and this one is it. Again, you normally won't find these at your local grocery store, but check around health food markets and you may find some new bars that fit the bill.

When you actually find genuine healthy bars like these examples above, they make great fast snacks while you are on the road or while you are at work.

I keep some on me almost always, just to make certain I have nutritious options to eat anytime I require a fast snack, so that I am not tempted by fast food places or trashy food vending machines. Good luck and be certain to read those labels to make sure you're buying a health food bar and not a candy bar in disguise. If you have never tried the bars I mentioned that are bad for you then you should just so you know how bad they taste and realize that your body thinks just as badly of them after you have eaten them. For more info check out www.fatbellymelt.com.

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